An excellent port of an excellent game. Its an isometric RPG like Baldurs Gate, except it puts more emphasis on being a pure dungeon crawler. Most of the emphasis on story and character building that made BG2 such a rich experience is absent here, but dont let that deter you. If you just wanna grab an axe and some magic missiles & beat up on some orcs and giants, this game is a blast.
Icewind Dale is now even better due to numerous graphical touch ups. The controls almost seem like they were made for a touch interface. You have many more options when composing your group (than you did in the original IWD) as the kits from the enhanced BG2 remake have been ported over. There have been many great ease-of-use tweaks which have been added into the game, such as the quick loot feature. Beam dog is getting better & better at these remakes. Bring on Planescape, guys.
...why are you still reading this? Get the game! :)